Workshop on Surveying Questionnaires from the Academic and Non-Academic Staffs for Self-Assessment Activities of Pharmacy Department

Campus Event
National Apr 19, 2017 Hit: 3

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Prof Dr. Md. Fokhray Hossain, Director, IQAC addressing as the resouce  person in the workshop on “Surveying Questionnaires from the Academic and Non-Academic Staffs for Self-Assessment Activities of Pharmacy Department"

Department of Pharmacy of Daffodil International University (DIU) organized a workshop on “Surveying Questionnaires from the Academic and Non-Academic Staffs for Self-Assessment Activities of Pharmacy Department" on 19th April 2017(Wednesday) in the department (level-2, Daffodil Tower-5). This workshop is a part of the on going quality assurance process implemented at DIU by its IQAC, under Higher Education Quality Enhancement Project (HEQEP) of the government and funded by the World Bank. Prof Dr. Md. Fokhray Hossain, Director, IQAC was present as a resource person in the workshop. Mr.Abdul Kader Arefin, Additional director, IQAC was also present in the workshop. In the session, they gave their valuable advice on various aspects of quality assurance in higher education.

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A partial view of the participants at the workshop

All the core self-assessment committee members of the Pharmacy Department, other faculty members and non-academic staff were also present in the workshop. The non- academic person who are connected with various activities of the department were also present in the workshop for giving their valuable reflection.