Workshop on Quality Assurance in Higher Education Institutions and Accreditation held at Daffodil International University

Campus Event
National Sep 18, 2016 Hit: 3



Ms. Rozilini Fernandez-Chung, Vice President, HELP University College (Malaysia) along with distinguished guests and participants at the workshop on "Quality Assurance in Higher Education Institutions and Accreditation"

Institutional Quality Assurance Cell of Daffodil International University organized a workshop on Quality Assurance in Higher Education Institutions and Accreditation on September 01, 2016 at its own premises. Rozilini Fernandez-Chung, Vice President, HELP University College (Malaysia) and a recognized international quality assurance expert was the key resource person of the workshop wile Prof. Dr. Muhammad Mahboob Ali, Director, IQAC chaired the whole session.

The key resource person in her deliberation stated that at present the primary motivation of higher education institutions is to raise teaching quality via the development and sharing of good practices. While higher education graduates are more likely to find employment than people with lower levels of qualifications, higher education curricula are often slow to respond to changing needs in the wider economy, and fail to anticipate or help shape the careers of tomorrow. Quality assurance in higher education has become a burning issue in this respect. She donated her honorarium from the workshop to the underprivileged students of DIU.

All the guests and participants underscored the need for ensuring quality in higher education and discussed the possible ways to do that. They also opined going for both national and international higher education accreditation. Among others, Deans of different faculties, Additional Director of IQAC, Heads of different departments, members of self assessment committees and IQAC officials were present in the workshop.