Workshop on "Experience Sharing: Imparting Faculty Training for Quality Enhancement of Teaching and Research in Higher Education Institutions" held at Permanent Campus, DIU

Campus Event
National Apr 10, 2016 Hit: 3

A Workshop on "Experience Sharing: Imparting Faculty Training for Quality Enhancement of Teaching and Research in Higher Education Institutions" held on 09-04-16 at Permanent Campus, DIU. Honorable Vice Chancellor Prof. Dr. Yousuf Mahbubul Islam was present as the chief guest while Dr. Mostafa Kamal, Director, Permanent Campus, DIU chaired the session. The objective of the workshop was to disseminate and share the knowledge of purpose of teaching, outcome based teaching method, purpose of assessment and feedback, outcome based class discussion and feedback, negative and positive thinking, assessment procedure setting through outcome  based questions, student centered methods and lesson plan and learning feedback to 24 Junior and Mid Level Faculties of Uttara and Permanent Campus. 

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Honorable Vice Chancellor, DIU  Prof. Dr. Yousuf Mahbubul Islam, Dr. Shaek Rashed Haider Noori, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Dr. Kamrul Hossain, Assistant Professor, Department of Natural Sciences, Ms. Liza Sharmin, Assistant Professor, Department of English facilitated the workshop while Dr. S. M. Aminul Haque, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science & Engineering & Mr. Nurul Mohammad Zayed, Senior Lecturer, Department of Business Administration & Coordinator, IIC, DIU facilitated and coordinated the workshop. The workshop was organized by IQAC, DIU.