Workshop on Assessment of Nutritional Status A Hands-On Approach

Campus Event
National Apr 30, 2018 Hit: 5


Participants of Workshop entitled “Assessment of Nutritional Status: A Hands - on Approach” held on 25 April 2018 in the Digital Class Room organized by Department of Public Health, DIU.


The Department of Public Health organized a Workshop entitled “Assessment of Nutritional Status: A Hands - on Approach” held on 25 April 2018 in the Digital Class Room, Department of Public Health, Daffodil Tower, DIU. Thirty eight (38) foreign students attended the workshop. Professor Dr. Khaleda Islam, Professor of Clinical Nutrition, Institute of Nutrition and Food Science (INFS), University of Dhaka; Dr. Shah Mahfuzur Rahman, Head of the Food Safety Unit, Institute of Public Health & former National Advisor, Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, Dhaka and Ms. NishatSharmin Nishi of Popular Medical College Hospital were present as resource persons.
Professor Dr. Khaleda Islam of the INFS, Dhaka University, delivered a Lecture on “Assessment of Nutritional Status- An Overview”. She emphasized on assessment of nutritional status throughanthropometric measurements, biochemical indicators, clinical signs/ symptoms.
Dr. Shah Mahfuzur Rahmanpresented a paper on “Anthropometric Measurement for Assessment of Nutritional Status”. Dr. Mahfuz pointed out that Middle Upper Arm Circumference (MUAC) is usually applied to measure nutritional status of children between 6 to 24 months and Body Mass Index (BMI) is a universal method to assess nutritional status of adults.

Ms. Nishat Sharmin Nishi, MPH alumni of DIU and Dietician of Popular Medical College Hospital, Dhaka conducted the “Practical Session on Anthropometric Measurements”. She demonstrated how to calculate Body Mass Index (BMI) & Waist Hip Ratio (WHR).Ms. Nishatdisplayed how to measure Waist Circumference, Hip Circumference, Mid Upper Arm Circumference (MUAC) and Skin Fold Thickness.

Prof. Dr. Harun-Ar-Rashid, Head of the Department of Public Health concluded the session. In his concluding remarks he appreciated the participation of renowned professionals as resource persons for the Workshop. He also talked about the importance of the Workshop. He emphasized that the Department of Public Health will organize such type of Workshop in future. At the end certificates were awarded to the participants.The Workshop was coordinated by Dr. Salamat Khandker, Associate Professor, Department of Public Health.
Participantsof the Workshop on Assessment of Nutritional Status: A Hands-On Approach with the Resource Persons.