Workshop on “Implementation of Outcome Based Approach to Curriculum of Department of Real Estate of DIU”

Campus Event
National May 17, 2018 Hit: 5


Mr. Nurul Mohammad Zayed, Head, Department of ReaLEstate), Mr. Nafees Imtiaz Islam (Senior Assistant Director), Mr. Mohammad Monir Hossan (Assistant Director, Research Centre), Mr. K.B.M. Rajibul Hasan, Senior Principal Officer, Agrani Bank Limited, Dhaka, Bangladesh, along with the faculty members, students of Real Estate Department at the workshop on “Implementation of Outcome Based Approach to Curriculum of Department of Real Estate of DIU.”

The Self Assesment Committee (SAC) of AC of Real Estate Department and IQAC, Daffodil International University organized a workshop on “Implementation of Outcome Based Approach to Curriculum of Department of Real Estate of DIU” on May 15, 2018 from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm at Room No. – 713 (Computer Lab), 7th Floor, DT. The Resource Person of the Workshop was Mr. K.B.M. RajibulHasan, Senior Principal Officer, Agrani Bank Limited, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Mr. Nurul Mohammad Zayed (Head, Department of Real Estate), Mr. NafeesImtiaz Islam (Senior Assistant Director), Mr. Mohammad MonirHossan (Assistant Director, Research Centre), Faculty Members, Alumni, Students, and Administrative personnel of DIU attended in the workshopand discussed for the development of Real Estate Department for ensuring quality education.