Workshop on “Evaluation and Progress of Curriculum Development” organized by the Department of English in collaboration with IQAC

Campus Event
National Feb 20, 2018 Hit: 5



(From left) Mr. Md. Rakibul Hasan Khan,Head, Department of English, Prof. A.M.M. Hamidur Rahman, Dean, FHSS,Prof. Dr. Syeedur Rahman, IML, University of Dhaka,Prof. Dr. A.K.M. Fazlul Haque, Director of IQAC, DIU,Mr. Mashrur Shahid Hossain, Associate Professor, Jahangirnagar University



A workshop on “Evaluation and Progress of Curriculum Development” was organized by the Department of English, in collaboration with IQAC, DIU, in the Digital Classroom of Daffodil Tower on 14 February 2018. Prof. Dr. Syeedur Rahman, IML, University of Dhaka and Mr. Mashrur Shahid Hossain, Associate Professor, Jahangirnagar University were present in the workshop as the facilitators.

The workshop was inaugurated with a valuable speech by Prof. Dr. A.K.M. Fazlul Haque, Director of IQAC, DIU and Associate Dean, Faculty of Engineering. After the welcome speech of Prof. A.M.M. Hamidur Rahman, Dean, FHSS, the inauguration session ended with handing over the crests and flower bouquets to the guest as well as the facilitators.
After moderate opening ceremony, the workshop was conducted in two parallel sessions. Prof. Syeed conducted his workshop with the teachers from ELT stream and the teachers from Literature stream were facilitated by Mr. Mashrur. They discussed thoroughly over the proposed curriculum, syllabus and contents of B.A (Hons) and M.A program (both ELT& Literature) of the Department of English. They proposed some revisions depending on the current demand of job market as well as prospects of higher studies.
The second session was conducted by Prof. Mahbub Ahsan Khan, IER, University of Dhaka & QA Specialist, UGC. In his presentation he focused on the required criterion to develop the curriculum to match the mission and vision of the offered programs.


A partial view of the participants


A good number of faculty members of the English department were present to be enlightened with the knowledge and directions provided by the resource persons. The daylong workshop ended with the vote of thanks by Mr. Md. RakibulHasan Khan, Asst. Professor and Head of the department of English.