Two Faculty Members of Daffodil International University left for pursuing PhD. degree

Campus Event
National Sep 29, 2015 Hit: 3



Daffodil International University (DIU) is a fast growing university in Bangladesh and moving ahead as a whole. A remarkable number of Faculty Members of Daffodil International University are PhD. degree holders. At present a total of 64 working faculty members of Daffodil International University are PhD degree holders and 30 faculty members are on way to complete their PhD degree in home and abroad. Recently two of its Faculty members received scholarship for pursuing their PhD.

Mr. Muhammad Arifur Rahman, Assistant Professor and Head, Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Allied Health Science left for Japan to pursue Ph.D degree on Molecular Biology at Shizuoka University under Japanese Government Monbukagakusho Scholarship (MEXT) for the year 2015 and Ms. Manjida Ahamed, Lecturer, Department of Law, Faculty of Humanities and Social Science left for UK for her PhD program on ‘International Criminal Law and Customary International Law’ at School of Law of Middlesex University, London UK under Prof. William A. Scahbas.

Congratulations to them! A contingent of DIU faculty members have already availed the opportunity of doing their PhD programs with scholarship arranged by DIU and its partner universities around the world.
Keep it up DIU!!!"