Two DIU faculty Members achieved AIBS Fellowship in USA

Campus Event
National Apr 11, 2017 Hit: 3



Ms. Shampa Iftakhar, and Ms. Farjana Islam Aovi, pose for a photograph during their courtesy visit to Professor Dr. Yousuf M. Islam, Honorable Vice Chancellor and Prof. Dr. Md. Fokhray Hossain, Director, International Affairs before their departure.   


Ms. Shampa Iftakhar, Assistant Professor, Department of English and Ms. Farjana Islam Aovi, Lecturer, Department of Pharmacy of Daffodil International University (DIU) received the international grants for Fellowship in United States from American Institute of Bangladesh Studies (AIBS). Ms Shampa is currently presenting a paper on “In the Light of What We Know: Sex Violence and Our Women” at the “Interdisciplinary Women's and Gender Studies Conference, Creating Global Change" March 23- 25, 2017 in Middle Tennessee State University (MTSU), Murfreesboro, USA under the AIBS International Travel Award. On the other hand, Ms. Farjana achieved a 2 months long fellowship from AIBS to work in the lab of Biology at Indiana-Perdue University Fort Wayne (IPFW), USA.
The American Institute of Bangladesh Studies is a partner organization of Daffodil International University since 2016 and they are offering different grants for the scholars, academicians of the listed partner intuitions for conference, fellowship etc.