Training on "Pedagogy and Assessment Bloom’s Taxonomy" held at Daffodil International University

Campus Event
National Mar 06, 2016 Hit: 3


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Professor Dr. Mesbahuddin Ahmed, Head, Quality Assurance Unit, University Grants Commission of Bangladesh addressing as the Chief Guest at the inaugural ceremony 2-day training program on "Pedagogy and Assessment Bloom’s Taxonomy" began today at Daffodil International University (DIU)


A 2-day training program on "Pedagogy and Assessment Bloom’s Taxonomy" began today at Daffodil International University (DIU) organized by Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of DIU. The inaugural session of the program was graced by the presence of Professor Dr. Mesbahuddin Ahmed, Head, Quality Assurance Unit, University Grants Commission of Bangladesh as Chief Guest while Prof. Dr. Yousuf Mahbubul Islam, Vice Chancellor, Daffodil International University and Prof. Dr. M. Abul Kashem, Quality Assurance Specialist, Quality Assurance Unit, HEQEP, UGC, Bangladesh were present as Special Guests. Prof. Muhammad Mahboob Ali, Ph.D, Director, IQAC, DIU attended the program as Session Chair.

Mr. Voravate Chonlasin , Ms. Narumon Wangnai and Dr.Md.Zakir Hossain from AIT Extension, Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand were present as Guest of Honour of the program. Professor Dr. Md. Fokhray Hossain, Additional Director, IQAC, DIU was also present.

Chief Guest Dr. Mesbahuddin Ahmed praised the initiative of Daffodil International University regarding Pedagogy development through utilizing IQAC fund properly which is beneficial for the country. Special Guests Prof. Dr. Yousuf Mahbubul Islam and Prof. Dr. M. Abul Kashem underscored the need for pedagogy development and quality assurance of higher education of Bangladesh where IQAC can play a significant role. Guest of Honour Mr. Voravate Chonlasin and Ms. Narumon Wangnai highlighted their international experiences regarding pedagogy development and significance to implement the same in Bangladesh. Dr. Md. Zakir Hossain praised effort of the Daffoidl university for trying to develop its education at par global standard.

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Mr. Voravate Chonlasi from AIT Extension, Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand conducting the training program

After the inaugural session of first day, there were a total of three input sessions namely: Outcome-Based Learning Techniques; Contents and strategies in preparing Self-Assessment Reports: cases Studies of universities in Thailand, Vietnam and Cambodia, and Techniques and tools for peer evaluation. The resource persons from AIT, Thailand discussed on Lesson Planning; Student-centered Methods; Evaluation of learning; study reports on self assessment of universities of various countries; peer review techniques etc.

The second day of the program will be conducted by Prof. Muhammad Mahboob Ali, Ph.D, Director, IQAC, DIU and Professor Dr. Md. Fokhray Hossain, Additional Director, IQAC, DIU. They will highlight issues like: effective teaching-learning, Lesson plan, learning diary, need of research etc. A total of 55 faculty members of DIU participated in the two-day long training program.