Training for Library Ambassadors

Campus Event
National Aug 27, 2016 Hit: 3


Training Photograph

Prof. Dr. Yousuf M Islam, Vice Chancellor, Daffodil International University along with the participants of day long training on “Increasing Awareness and Use of Library Resources and Services” for nominated faculty members  held at permanent campus.

Daffodil International University Library is playing an important role for research and developing activities as well as providing quality services among users since 2002. Library resources and services are escalating day by day due to meet the need of information of the users. In the age of information, DIU library has initiative to more exposure library resources and services among the students through the faculty members’ who will be act as Library Ambassador.

Library ambassador program is an initiative designed to advocate for the perspectives of library users and promote library resources and services through faculty members’ involvement. Library Ambassadors are faculty members who are nominated by related head of the department. This is the first initiative of Daffodil International University library in Bangladesh to create the honorary post of Library Ambassador to promote library services and facilities among their students. They will be honored with certificates after one year completion. In this connection, DIU library has organized day long training on “Increasing Awareness and Use of Library Resources and Services” for nominated faculty members at permanent campus. There are sixteen (16) faculty members participated the training program. This training covers: (I) DIU library: Overview (II) Explore Library Website (III) Discover DIU e-Library (IV) A-Z databases (V) Database Search Techniques (VI) Copyright Vs Plagiarism and (VII) OPAC: Overview. Professor Yousuf M. Islam, Ph.D., Honorable Vice–Chancellor and Professor Dr. Mostafa Kamal, Director, Permanent Campus of DIU were present as Chief Guest and Special Guest respectively. Dr. Md. Milan Khan, Librarian presided the program.