"The Grand Inauguration of Daffodil Startup Market"

Campus Event
National Sep 28, 2014 Hit: 5

The inaugural ceremony of ‘Daffodil Startup Market’ for the first time of its kind in the history of Bangladesh was held on September 25, 2014 at the premises of Daffodil International University (4th floor, campus -3). Mr. Shyam Sundar Sikdar , Secretary, Ministry of Information & Communication Technology, Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh and Prof. Dr. Md. Golam Rahman, , Pro-vice Chancellor of Daffodil International University jointly inaugurated the‘Daffodil Startup Market’. The guests appreciated the idea and encouraged the entrepreneurs to explore their innovation in front of the universe through this innovative market place. In the first day total BDT 18,000 was traded in this entrepreneurs' lab.

The ‘Daffodil Startup Market’ a student-run bazaar, will be hosted by the Daffodil International University (DIU) and operated by Office of the Director of Students’ Affairs (DSA Office) every Thursday of each week at DIU Student Lounge 4th floor Sobhanbag Campus.


Mr. Shyam Sundar Sikdar , Secretary, Ministry of Information & Communication Technology, and Prof. Dr. Md. Golam Rahman, , Pro-vice Chancellor of Daffodil International University visiting the DIU Start Up Marketing after inauguration

The concept of ‘Daffodil Startup Market’ is being initiated to promote entrepreneurial potentials of students and create more buzz in university life. It will be a platform for students to run small businesses and learn from those experiences. Student vendors can sell almost any wares, books, candles, foods, art works, handmade goods, jewelry, bonsai, toys, seasonal items and anything innovative that they want to sale over a period of a whole day (from 2PM-6PM). At a rental of only BDT 50 (for 1 day), it is an extremely viable option for budding student entrepreneurs in DIU.

 It will promote entrepreneurial potentials of DIU students and will be a learning platform from real life experience through running a small business.  Students will get the opportunity to sale any product or service vibrant, creative & innovate & obviously environment friendly. Students will gradually able to be financially self-dependent. Viable projects will be facilitated to establish commercially & nationally.  This will be a platform to unleash creativity and dormant potentials. This initiative, no doubt, will facilitate students to enjoy campus life.