The Fifth Workshop from IQAC-ENGLISH Quantity Enhancement series on “Teaching Latin American Literature”

Campus Event
National Apr 10, 2018 Hit: 5


 Professor Dr. Syed Manzoorul Islam, a renowned Professor of English at the University of Dhaka addressing at the workshop on “Teaching Latin American Literature” 


The fifth workshop on “Teaching Latin American Literature” was held on April 08 at the Digital Classroom, Level 4, Daffodil Tower, Sobhanbag as a part of the ongoing quality assurance process implemented at Daffodil International University by the department of English in collaboration with Institutional Quality Assurance Cell. The facilitator of the session was Professor Dr. Syed Manzoorul Islam, a renowned Professor of English at the University of Dhaka, a noted column writer, an art critic and an award winning fiction writer.
After the concise introduction of the resource person by Ariful Islam Laskar, member, SA Committee, IQAC, Prof. A.M.M. Hamidur Rahman, Dean, FHSS delivered the welcome speech. Prof. Dr. A.K.M. Fazlul Haque, Director of IQAC,DIU and Associate Dean, Faculty of Engineering made a brief speech. He thanked the resource person and expressed gratitude for his gracious presence.

Prof. Dr. A.K.M. Fazlul Haque, Director of IQAC,DIU and Associate Dean, Faculty of Engineering hands over a memento to  Professor Dr. Syed Manzoorul Islam, a renowned Professor of English at the University of Dhaka

In his speech, Professor Syed Manzoorul Islam shared the significant aspects of Lain American Literature. He illustrated that Latin American Literature encompasses all the literary works from Mexico, Central America and South America. His speech served as a guide for teachers introducing students to Latin American literary works.
A good number of faculty members from DIU as well as other universities were present in the session. A large number of enthusiastic students from DIUwere also present in the session. The session ended with the vote of thanks by Assistant Professor and Head of the Department of English, Mr. Md. Rakibul Hasan Khan.