The Dream Park of Social Business concept by Prof. Muhammad Yunus at Kashimpur Gazipur was Visited by the DIU students.

Campus Event
National Feb 06, 2013 Hit: 5

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A 25 member team of students and teachers from Daffodil International University visited the Social Business Industrial Park at Kashimpur, Gazipur on 30th January 2013. The Park is the dream park of the concept of Prof. Muhammad Yunus. The Social Business Cell and the Social Business student Forum (SBSF) of DIU jointly organized the industrial tour. Yunus Center, Dhaka arranged the tour for the young students of DIU who are very much motivated in social business movement. The team started at 10:00am from Daffodil International University and reached the Park around 12:00pm.

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Mr. Nahid Alam, Protocol Officer of Yunus Center guided the team from Yunus Centre to the venue. Engineer Md. Lokman, the Project Director of Industrial Park presented the details of manufacturing units as well as the master plan to the delegation. A number of social business products manufacturing process was described by Mr. Lokman. It was a great experience for DIU students which will further help them to disseminate the social business concept among the community. Mr. MAsud Ibn Rahman, Head Social Business Cell led the DIU team.