SUST won the title and BUET became 1ST Runner up in Asia Regional ACM-ICPC 2018 Dhaka Site held at Daffodil International University

Campus Event
National Nov 11, 2018 Hit: 5


Largest programming contest in the history of Bangladesh acm-icpc 2018 Asia Regional Dhaka Site organized by Daffodil International University

SUST_ Descifrador team of Shajalal University of Science and Technology became champion in most prestigious Asia Regional Dhaka Site computing event ACM-ICPC 2018 organized by Daffodil International University on November 10, 2018 at Shawadhinata Milonayoton of Daffodil International University at  Ashulia permanent campus, Savar, Dhaka. Blood Hound team of Bangladesh University of Engineering Technology (BUET) became 1st Runner Up while Epinephrine of University of Dhaka became 2nd Runner Up and Best Girls Team Award went to Heuristic of Daffodil International University.  This is the largest programming contest for the first time in the history of Bangladesh hosted by Daffodil International University (DIU where 298 teams (comprising with 3 members each) from 101 public and private universities and institutions participated in this mega event. Beside this, three teams from Nepal also took part in this event. Best two regional contest winners will get tickets to World Finals 2019 which will be hosted by University of Porto in Portugal from 31st March –April 05, 2019 to join the battle of the brain.   

UGC Chairman Professor Abdul Mannan handing over the balloon to the first problem solver team DIU_ Beli3y3rs at the acm-icpc 2018

Daffodil International University organized the programming contest in association with ICT Division of Ministry of Post, Telecommunication and IT and Bangladesh Computer Council. The mega program was sponsored by ADN Edu Services, SSL Wireless, Bangladesh Computer Society and Internet Society ( ISOC) Bangladesh Chapter. ACM-ICPC contest involves a global network of universities hosting regional competitions that advance teams to the ACM-ICPC World Finals. This year Daffodil International University has taken an international approach to host the 22nd ACM-ICPC Dhaka Regional 2019 programming contest.

Contestants  deeply concentrated to solve the problem at ACM-ICPC 2018

Mr. Daniel Duckeon Kim, COO & CFO, Samsong R&D Institute Bangladesh was present as the chief guest while Professor Hafiz Md. Hasan Babu,  President, Bangladesh Computer Society and Internet Society (ISOC) Bangladesh Chapter was present as the special guest at the Award Giving Ceremony Professor Dr. S M Mahabub Ul Haque Majumder, Acting Vice Chancellor of. Daffodil International University presided over the function. Conducted by Contest Director Professor Dr. Syed Aktar Hossain, the function was addressed by Chief Judge Prof. Dr. M. Kaikobad (BUET), Ashish Chakraborty. COO and Shahazahada Redwan, CTO of SSL Wireless, Mahabub Zaman, Managing Director, DataSoft Systems Limited.


Team members of Champion SUST_ Descifrador, 1st Runner Up BUET _ Blood Hound and 2nd Runner Up  DU_ Epinephrine pose for a photograph at the Award giving ceremony  of ACM-ICPC 2018 with the distinguished guests held at  Daffodil International University..

Earlier Professor Abdul Mannan, Chairman, University Grants Commission Bangladesh (UGC) inaugurated   ACM-ICPC 2018 as the chief guest while National Professor Jamilur Reza Chowdhury was present as the guest of Honor in the opening ceremony.

Best Girls Team Award winning members of DIU_ Heuroistic pose for a photograph at the Award giving ceremony  of ACM-ICPC 2018 with the distinguished guests held at  Daffodil International University,

The top 10 teams were awarded both the cash prizes and memento of the ACM-ICPC Dhaka Regional 2018 along with the certificate. The Champion and Runner Up teams additionally received Champion and Runner Up Trophy of ACM-ICPC Dhaka 2018.