Students of ETE department visited Atomic Energy Research Establishment (AERE)

Campus Event
National Mar 11, 2017 Hit: 3


20170215 160058

Visiting students of ETE Department of DIU  pose for a photograph in front of Institute of Electronics and Institute of Computer Science of Atomic Energy Research Establishment (AERE) at Saver

A group of 55 students from ETE department of Daffodil International University visited Atomic Energy Research Establishment (AERE). Saver on 15th February, 2017. It was a day long visit. There are 12 Institutes for various scientific and engineering branches. The students visited the Institute of electronics and its various laboratories related to engineering where activities on electronics technology are carried out. They were shown how engineers design, develop, fabricate, repair and maintain different kind’s instruments at a reasonable cost. This institute has developed many instruments which are being used in various organizations of Bangladesh. The reliability and accuracy of the instrument has substituted the imported expensive equipment.
The students have also visited the only VLSI lab in Bangladesh where design, development and fabrication of Integrated circuit chips(IC chips) are being carried out.