Seminar on Outcome Based Education (OBE) Learning to Learn at Daffodil International University

Campus Event
National Dec 26, 2012 Hit: 5

obe training
Professor Dr. Muhammad H. Rashid, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of West Florida, USA delivering his Keynote presentation at the seminar on “Outcome Based Education (OBE) Learn


Daffodil International University (DIU) organized a seminar on “Outcome Based Education (OBE) Learning to Learn” on 23rd December 2012 at DIU auditorium. Professor Dr. M. Lutfar Rahman, Vice Chancellor, Daffodil International University was present as the chief guest in the seminar  while Professor Dr. Muhammad H. Rashid, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of West Florida, USA was present as the Keynote speaker. The seminar was conducted and moderated by Professor Dr. Aminul Islam, Emeritus Professor, Daffodil International University.


While delivering the keynote presentation Professor Rashid said that the student learning depends on the methods of teaching and learning. Examinations and grades are used to measure the student learning. He also illustrated that in an out come-based, the curriculum is designed to develop specific student learning out comes (SLOs), that is, what the students would be able to do after the completion of a course or a degree program. In his speech he also stressed that there must be a continuous assessment and evaluation process in place to determine the degree of achievement of student learning and for program improvement.

The presentation identifies the needs for developing student critical thinking ability through exercises of cognitive level. This also emphasize on the needs for the quality of education rather than the quantity of course contents. The main elements of knowledge management are identifies. At the last part of the seminar there was question-answer session open for all students and faculty members. The seminar was concluded by the chief guest offering thanks to the speaker and guests present.