Seminar on "Gender Mainstreaming in the Development Process of Bangladesh in Government Perspective" held at Daffodil International University

Campus Event
National Nov 10, 2013 Hit: 5

The Department of Natural Sciences of Daffodil International University (DIU) organized a seminar on “Gender Mainstreaming in the Development Process of Bangladesh in Government Perspective” today on 9 November 2013 at DIU Virtual Centre. Mr. Abdul Jalil, Senior Assistant Secretary, Ministry of Railway, Government of Bangladesh presented the key note paper. Dr. Mohammad Jalal Uddin Sikder, Assistant Professor in Natural Science, was the moderator of the seminar. More than 80 students from the department of English, CSE, ETE, EEE and Textiles Engineering of DIU attended the seminar.

gender mainstreaming

Participants along with distinguished guests at the Seminar onGender Mainstreaming in the Development Process of Bangladesh in Government Perspective

Speaker at the seminar said that gender inequality remains a feature of every region in the world. There is not a single developing country in which women and men enjoy equal rights under the law. In particular, women are discriminated against in such as their right to land and property. The result is that women are more vulnerable to poverty than men. Therefore, the speaker recommended ensuring genuine institutional commitment, resources and strategies for gender mainstreaming in all development institutions, whether these are national development planning bodies, donor agencies, or non-government agencies. The speaker further focused on multi-dimensional initiatives and measures of the government taken for gender mainstreaming in the development process of Bangladesh. The seminar ended with open discussion and future commitment for an inclusive development with gender mainstreaming.