Seminar on "Controlling Computer through Power Generation" at Daffodil International University

Campus Event
National Nov 28, 2012 Hit: 5

cpg d

Engineer Takayoshi Suzuki from Nagoya University, Japan (In the middle), Emeritus Professor of Daffodil International University Dr. Aminul Islam (2nd from left), Professor Dr. M. Shamsul Alam, Head, Dept. of EEE (2nd from right), Professor Dr. Golam Maowla Choudhury, Controller of Examinations (1st from Right) and Professor Dr. Md. Fayzur Rahman, Head, Dept. of ETE (1st from the left) are seen at the seminar on "Controlling Computer through Power Generation"


A technical seminar on "Controlling Computer through Power Generation" conducted by Engineer Takayoshi Suzuki from Nagoya University, Japan was held in Daffodil International University Auditorium on November 27, 2012. The seminar was organized by the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE) of Daffodil International University. Founder Vice Chancellor & Emeritus Professor of Daffodil International University Dr. Aminul Islam was present in the seminar as the chief guest.The seminar was also addressed by Professor Dr. Golam Maowla Choudhury, Controller of Examinations, Professor Dr. Md. Fayzur Rahman, Head, Dept. of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering (ETE) and Professor Dr. M. Shamsul Alam, Head, Dept. of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE). 250 students from CSE, ETE and EEE Department participated in the seminar. 

Mr. Takayoshi Suzuki is an engineer of Nagoya University. He already visited 5 times in Bangladesh. First, he visited Bangladesh in the year 1971 to help Bangladeshi people for the liberation war. And on 27th March, 2012 Honorable Prime Minister of Bangladesh invited him to come to Bangladesh and awarded him "FRIENDS OF LIBERATION WAR HONOR".

While presenting keynote presentation he explained and demonstrated how to make a Gas Engine Generator by using both hardware and software equipments. He presented a PowerPoint showing his research work to the students. After his presentation, questions-answers session started. Students enjoyed the technical seminar and showed their interest in learning how to make a Gas Engine Generator.

Emeritus Professor Dr. Aminul Islam conveyed best wishes to move forward for the collaboration of Nagoya University and Daffodil International University only for the sake of development of the students of DIU.