Seminar on "Climate Change and Adaptation: A Case of Bangladesh" held at Daffodil International University

Campus Event
National Nov 30, 2013 Hit: 7

The Department of Natural Science of DIU organized a seminar on “Climate Change and Adaptation: A Case of Bangladesh” on 23 November 2013 at DIU Auditorium. Mr. Selim Reza, Senior Researchers, Refugee and Migratory Movements Research Unit (RMMRU), University of Dhaka presented the key note paper in the seminar. Professor Dr. M. Mizanur Rahman, Treasurer of Daffodil International University was present as the special guest at the seminar. Dr. Mohammad Jalal Uddin Sikder, Assistant Professor in Natural Science, was the moderator of the talk. A large number of students and faculties from different departments of Daffodil International University attended the seminar.

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Professor Dr. M. Mizanur Rahman, Treasurer of Daffodil International University addressing at the seminar on Seminar on "Climate Change and Adaptation: A Case of Bangladesh" held at Daffodil International University

Speaker at the seminar urged to take a long-term perspective in development planning as climate change is a decadal scale problem and not only a short term one.  Also, he emphasised on the need to develop our knowledge through "action-research" that combines efforts from researchers with planners and practitioners. In order to develop the best fitting adaptation strategies, he proposed for greater collaboration among developing countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America as they share many common problems and their solutions would be more applicable in Bangladesh than solutions that the richer countries develop for us. Professor Dr. M. Mizanur Rahman also said that the poor and the socially most vulnerable are disproportionately affected, as they have the lowest capacity to cope with these losses. He recommended that adaptation requires assessment of vulnerability from the viewpoint of different disciplines, which then requires an integrated approach.

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Participants of the seminar along with the distinguished guests