Seminar on “Performance Optimization” at Daffodil International University

Campus Event
National Dec 27, 2015 Hit: 3



Mr. Ali khan, International Trainer and Motivational Speaker, Psychological Trainer, Bangladesh Cricket Team conducting the seminar on “Performance Optimization” organized by Career Development Center (CDC) and Human Resource Development Institute (HRDI) of Daffodil International University.

 Human Resource Development Institute (HRDI)  in association with Career Development Center (CDC) of Daffodil International University jointly organized a very exclusive seminar titled “Performance Optimization” by Mr. Ali khan, International Trainer and Motivational Speaker, Psychological Trainer, Bangladesh Cricket Team recently at DIU Auditorium. Professor Dr. Yousuf Mahbubul Islam, Vice Chancellor, Daffodil International University was present in the seminar as chief guest. Mr. Syed Maruf Reza, Director of Career Development Center (CDC) and Mr. Feroz Mahmud, Director, HRDI were present in the seminar as special guest. The training was designed for the Employee in Administration and Faculty members of DIU. Different Officers from respective departments, Senior Faculty members and a good number of International students from Department of MPH were present during the auspicious event and enjoyed the program thoroughly by sharing their experience, opinions and views.

While speaking Vice Chancellor of DIU Professor Dr. Yousuf Mahbubul Islam emphasized on the need of the importance of humanities and human values for the society at present. He focused on the practice of professionalism of the potential employee and the graduates of 21st century’s. He thanked for arranging such creative session for the students who are the future leaders of the country.



A glimse of the semoinar 

Mr. Ali Khan on his motivational speech emphasized the value of each individual that we have but most of the people are unknown about this. Most of us has no control on our mind and don’t know how to lead the sub conscious mind for better life. People should be concern about the future and for this they should know what he has done for the society to contribute and make people life happier instead of feeling depressed most of the time. We are the best in creature and our aim should be the best as like our human nature. About 70 participants took part in the seminar. Speakers focused on the importance of using the mind in right track for getting better output.

It is mentionable that Career Development Center-CDC and HRDI of Daffodil International University is gradually conducting series of Seminar, Career Talk and Career Counseling Session with the graduating students under different faculties of Daffodil International University.