Seminar on “Nipah Virus: A Threat to Human Health”

Campus Event
National Nov 10, 2012 Hit: 6

Seminar on “Nipah Virus: A Threat to Human Health”

Department of Pharmacy, Public Health and Nutration and Food Engineering of Daffodil International University are jointly going to organize a seminar on “Nipah Virus: A Threat to Human Health” to be held on 28th April, 2012 at 10:00 am in DIU Auditorium at Sobhanbagh Campus. Professor Dr. Mahmudur Rahman, Director, IEDCR, DGHS will be present in the seminar as chief guest and Dr. Salamat Khandker, Senior National Consultant, World Health Organization, Environmental Health Unit (WHO-EHU) will present the keynote paper in the seminar.

Program Schedule

10:00 - 12:00 Inaugural Session

Guests take their seats

Recitation from the Holy Quran

Welcome address by Prof. Dr. S. M. Mahbub-Ul- Haque Majumder, Dean, Faculty of Science and Information Technology (FSIT).

Keynote Speech by: Dr. Salamat Khandker

Speech by:

1. Nahian Fyrose Fahim (Student)

2. Mahfuj Alam Siddeq (Student)

3. Dr. Md. Bellal Hossain, Associate Professor, Dept. of NFE

4. Dr. K. M. Formuzul Haque, Head, Dept. Of NFE

5. Dr. S M Keramat Ali, Head, Department of Public Health

6. Md. Rajib Ul Hasan