Seminar on “Legislative development in Bangladesh

Campus Event
National Nov 10, 2012 Hit: 5

Seminar on “Legislative development in Bangladesh for Alternative Dispute Resolution: Problem and Prospective.”


A seminar on “Legislative Development in Bangladesh for Alternative Dispute Resolution: Problem and Prospective” was held at the Auditorium of Daffodil International University (DIU) on 4th April 2012. Renowned Advocate in Supreme Court Dr. Shadeen Malik was the chief guest in the seminar. Professor Dr. Lutfar Rahman, Vice-Chancellor of DIU presided over the seminar.

Barrister Hassan M.S. Azim, Advocate. Supreme Court delivered keynote speech in the Seminar. Coordinated by Khandaker Dider-Us-Salam, Head, Department of Law, the seminar was also addressed by Professor Dr. Shushil Kumar Das, Dean (In-Charge), Faculty of Humanities and Social Science, Dr. Md. Fokhray Hossain, Registrar, DIU.

Barrister Hassan M.S. Azim presented a clear picture and touched upon most of the relevant issues on Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) in his keynote presentation. He discussed about the concept of Legislative development, Problem and Prospects of ADR. He also mentioned that the pending cases not only make litigant public suffer, but also cause loss to the state. To reduce the burden on the courts, there is no alternative to ADR.

Addressing as the chief Guest Dr shadeen Malik said, we have the lack of institutional support in the ADR system. People do not have the requisite knowledge of ADR system. We will have to make people aware of the advantages of ADR and disadvantages of court based Litigation. He also discussed some realistic problem of ADR system. Most of the Advocate is not interested about ADR system which is a great problem it is a big factor.