Prof. Dr. A. K. M Fazlul Haque, Director, IQAC and Associate Dean of Faculty of Engineering of Daffodil International University delivering his keynote speech at the seminar on “A Researchers’ Guide to Technical Writing"
Seminar on “A Researchers’ Guide to Technical Writing" was held at 71 Milonayoton of Daffodil International University on 10th April, 2019 jointly organized by Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) and IEEE DIU Student Branch.
Prof. Dr. A. K. M Fazlul Haque, Director, IQAC of Daffodil International University and Associate Dean of Faculty of Engineering was the keynote speaker of the session. Besides, working in these capacities, he is also the Advisor of IEEE Daffodil International UniversityStudent Branch
As a vital platform in higher education arena, IQAC and IEEE have something common in their vision and mission as these two institutions nurture and encourage research and extension in HEI. Addressing the importance of dissemination of knowledge through research and extension, IQAC, DIU andIEEE Daffodil International University student branch have jointly organized this seminar program for students to encourage them in writing research paper at indexed journals.
About 60 students from different departments of DIU were present to enhance their knowledge on how to write thesis and technical writing works. Faculty members of different departments like Dr. Md. Jashim Uddin, Additional Director of IQAC and Associate Professor of Department of GED, DIU, Dr. Sheikh Rashed Haider Noori Associate Professor & Assistant Head, Department of CSE, Daffodil International University, Professor Dr. Mohammad Quamruzzaman, Department of ETE, Daffodil International University were present and interacted at the session through sharing their views.Mrs. Sharmin Ahmed the convener of IEEE DIU SB and Shah Istiak Ahmed Sabbir the central chair of IEEE Daffodil International University also took participation in welcoming guests.
At his power point presentation, Dr. Haque presented different dimensions of writing technical research paper. He has shown the steps of scientific research, standard of the journal (impact factor), how impact factor is calculated, basic structure of a good article, AIMRaD, ethical issues of scientific writing. He also talked on plagiarism with examples. To cite the example of quality education at higher education, he shared the overall activities of Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), especially in the areas of research and extension and 9 (Nine) Quality Assurance areas. In addition, he stressed the importance of research and extension for positioning Daffodil International University (DIU), at Times Higher Education Ranking, Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) ranking and also focused the methodologies.
A quiz session was conducted where students took part with zeal.