Research paper of Mr. Sheikh Abdur Rahim, Associate Professor and Head, Department of Real Estate has been published in the SCOPUS INDEXED Journal

Campus Event
National Apr 29, 2017 Hit: 4


The research paper entitled “Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Training Programmes of Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited" by Mr. Sheikh Abdur Rahim, Associate Professor and Head, Department of Real Estate of Daffodil International University has been published in the SCOPUS INDEXED Journal titled " Journal of Business & Retail Management Research" , Vol. 11, Issue 3, April 2017, ISSN: 2051-848X, Pp. 154-164, London, United Kingdom.

This journal is Indexed by various bodies such as EBSCO Host, ProQuest, ROAD, and SCOPUS. It is also ranked by SCIMAO. He presented this research paper in the 2nd International Conference on Institutional Leadership , Learning and Teaching ( ILLT) held at Buckingham House Conference Centre, Murray Edwards College, University of Cambridge, UK during 19th -20th September 2016.

Please find below the link of the published research article of Mr. Sheikh Abdur Rahim to the following link: