Real Estate Department organized reunion program titled ‘Congratulating Our Successful Alumni-2019’

Campus Event
National Nov 27, 2019 Hit: 5



Professor Dr. YousufMahbubul Isla (Hon’bleVice Chancellor, DIU) Professor Dr. Mohammed Masum Iqbal (Dean, Faculty of Business & Entrepreneurship),  Mr. Rayhanul Islam (Head, Department of Real Estate), Ms. FatemaNusrat Chowdhury (Assistant professor, Dept. of Real Estate pose for a photograph )along with the Alumni of Real Estate Department.


Department of Real Estate of Daffodil International University organized a reunion program of alumni and current students titled ‘Congratulating Our Successful Alumni-2019’ on 01 November 2019 at Banquet hall of the university.

 Professor Dr. Yusuf M. Islam, Hon’bleVice Chancellor, Daffodil International Universitywas present at the program as chief guest while presided  over by Mr. Md. Rayhanul Islam, Head of the department of Real Estate.

Addressing as chief guest Professor Dr. YousufMahbubul Islamsaid that the Department of Real Estate is one of the prominent departments at DIU and the department is the pioneer in Bangladesh in offering degree in Real Estate. He said, the department intends to produce quality Real Estate graduates to fulfil the needs of the 21 century where currently the department is offering Bachelor of Real Estate (BRE) program with major in Banking & Finance, Land Management and Marketing. The Master of Real Estate program has been passed in the Academic Council of the university and now waiting for the approval of the University Grant Commission (UGC), he added.
He also said that networking is very essential for development of professionalism and this kind of reunion program helps to build network between former and current students. You should develop your professionalism by own. It’s not easy matter to create professionalism. Professionalism can be developed through hard working and integrity, he added.

Professor Dr. Mohammed Masum Iqbal, Dean of the Faculty has focused on the recent improvements and future plan of the department in his speech. Department of Real Estate is involving the industry experts in teaching and updating the syllabus as per the need of the market, Dr. Iqbal added. Mr. Md. Rayhanul Islam shared with the alumni and current students that Very recently Department of Real Estate has become successful to enlist BRE program in the eligibility crieteria of public sector and from now on BRE graduates are eligible for all the government jobs including BCS. Alumni and parents of the students also expressed their opinion and gratitude to the department.

The day was a grand gathering of BRE Alumni, Students, Business Leaders, Young Entrepreneurs, faculty members and Parents of existing students of the department. The event created an opportunity for our BRE graduates to enhance their networking as well as for the department to share the enthusiasm and sharing experience among present students and alumni.

Parents of the existing students shared their feelings regarding DIU and thanked department for taking initiative to organize this program.

The Alumni of the department expressed their career experience on the program and gave instruction to current students about how to prepare yourself before entrance into career life.