Quiz Competition of the Students and Feedback Session of The Daily Star Reading Project held at Daffodil International University

Campus Event
National Nov 01, 2017 Hit: 4




The Daily Star Editor Mr. Mahfuz Anam and DIU Trustee Board Chairman Mr. Md. Sabur Khan along with other distinguished guests at the ‘Quiz Competition of the Students Feedback Session of The Daily Star Reading Project’ held today at 71 Milonayoton 

Department of English of Daffodil International University (DIU) has organized ‘Quiz Competition of the Students Feedback Session of The Daily Star reading Project’ today on 1 November, 2017 at 71 Milonayoton of the University. Mr. Mahfuz Anam, Editor, The Daily Star was present at the program as chief guest while Mr. Md. Sadur Khan, Chairman, Board of Trustees, DIU presided over the program. Professor A. M.M. Hamidur Rahman, Dean, Faculty of Humanities & Social Science, Dr. Md. Mohoshin Reza, Associate Professor and Head, Department of English, Mr. Syed Mizanur Rahman, Director (Students Affairs’), Dr. Binoy Barman, Associate Professor and Director of Daffodil Institute of Language, Mr. Md. Nuruzzaman Moral, Senior Lecturer and Convener of News Paper Reading Project were also present at the program among others. In the program name of the 19 students were announced who had won the quiz round and finally selected for competing ‘spelling bee’ round.



The Daily Star Editor Mr. Mahfuz Anam exchanging and sharing his views with the students.  

Addressing as the chief guest Mr. Mahfuz Anam said that news paper is a linkage medium as like as an smart phone. News paper creates linkage between men and universe. It shows us what is going on or happening all over the world. Moreover, news paper is a complete lifestyle, he added. Terming the youth as the golden period of life, Mr. Mahfuz Anam said to the students that you are now passing a beautiful stage of life where no insincerity like childhood and no responsibility like mature age hurdles in this stage. This is the best time for you to nourish your creativity and build yourself by this time to fight for future.
Mr. Md. Sadur Khan in his presidential address said that our education system is running based on the traditional system of 300 hundred years ago. It needs to be changed and we need to bring change in our course curriculum also. He stressed on introducing open career based education. Mr. Md. Sadur Khan urged the students to learn English properly to face the challenges of global job market at this competitive age.