Members of Multimedia and Creative Technology department lead by it s Head Prof. Kabirul Islam receiving 1st prize of 14th foundation anniversary Project Exhibition and Contest from Honorable Vice Chancellor Professor Dr. Yousuf Mahbubul Islam
Prize giving ceremony of 14th foundation anniversary Project Exhibition and Contest program was held on 6th April 2016 at Banquet hall of the university. Honorable Vice Chancellor Professor Dr. Yousuf Mahbubul Islam graced the occasion as chief guest while Emeritus Professor Dr. Aminul Islam, and Emeritus Professor Dr. M. Lutfar Rahman, Prof. Dr. S. M. Mahbub- Ul Haque Majumder, Dean, FSIT,Controller of Examinations Prof. Dr. Golam Maowla Chudhury, Professors, Dean of the faculties and Head of the various departments were present in the program. Professor Dr. Syed Akhter Hossain, Convener, Project Exhibition Committee presided over the function. Handsome cash prizes were awarded to the winners.
Multimedia and Creative Technology (MCT) department won the 1st prize while Software Engineering and Software Engineering Club and Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering department jointly won the 2nd prize and Textile Club won the 3rd prize in the contest.
A partial view of the audience.
A jury panel consists of Honorable Vice Chancellor, Deans of all faculties, Controller of Examinations, Registrar and Director HRDI has formed to judge the projects displayed in different stalls. After critically scrutinized all the projects, following departments and clubs are selected for award to recognize their innovations.
Positions Department/Club Name
1st Multimedia and Creative Technology (MCT)
2nd (Joint) Software Engineering and Software Engineering Club
2nd (Joint) Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering
3rd Textile Club
Jury board also decided to give consolation prize to the following departments/clubs.
SL # Name of Departments and Clubs
01 Computer Science and Engineering-Uttara Campus
02 Computer and Programming Club (DIUCPC)
03 Business Administration
04 Robotics Club
05 EEE Club
06 Environmental Science and Disaster Management
07 Textile Engineering
08 ETE Club
09 Nutrition and Food Engineering