Online Preliminary Contest of National Girls’ Programming Contest – 2019 held successfully at DIU

Campus Event
National Oct 31, 2019 Hit: 5


Professor Dr. Syed Akter Hossain, Head, Department of CSE is visiting the Online Preliminary Contest of National Girls’ Programming Contest-2019 held at Daffodil International University



Online Preliminary Contest of National Girls’ Programming Contest-2019 was held successfully on 19 October, 2019. “National Girls’ Programming Contest” is one of the most prestigious national level programming contest for female programmers. Daffodil International University in association with the Department of Computer Science and Engineering&Daffodil International University Girls’ Computer Programming Club (DIU GCPC) and in co-operation with  ICT Division , Bangladesh Computer Council   &Hi-Tech Park Authority Bangladesh (BHTPA) is going to organize "National Girls’ Programming Contest (NGPC) 2019"  on November 23, 2019.

In this preliminary contest a total of 411 teams from different schools, colleges and universitiesamong them 33 teams from Daffodil International University were registered to participate. The Online preliminary round of different institutes of Daffodil group was held in the CSE Building, Sukrabad, Dhaka. During the contest Professor Dr. Syed AktherHossain, Head, Department of Computer Science and Engineering and other faculty members of this department visited the contest floor.
Some moments from the preliminary round of NGPC - 2019 at Daffodil International University

The contest was held in accordance with the rules of the ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC) and the platform was Toph. The preliminary battle round continued from 01:00 PM to 06:00 PM. In the problem set, 9 problems were given to the participants to solve. JU_Light Furya team of Jahangirnagar University became first by solving the highest number of problems among all the participants. Above all, everyone has competed with their best effort which was really noticeable.

 Although all teams had the opportunity to participate in the preliminary phase, not all teams will have the opportunity to participate in the final round of NGPC-2019. Selected 150 teams will participate in the National Girls’ Programming Contest-2019 on 23rd November, 2019 at Daffodil International University, in it’s main campus shukrabad, dhaka .

The standings of the preliminary contest    :        
The website link of NGPC 2019        :