Non-Bank Financial Institution in Bangladesh

Campus Event
National Nov 10, 2012 Hit: 5
Workshop on Operations of Non-Bank Financial Institution in Bangladesh held at DIU


A Workshop on “Operations of Non-Bank Financial Institution in Bangladesh” was organized for the students of Faculty of Business & Economics of Daffodil International University (DIU) on April 25, 2011. Organized by Career Development Center (CDC), DIU, Professor Salahuddin Ahmed Khan, Department of Finance, University of Dhaka conducted the workshop.

Professor M. Shahjahan Mina, Adviser to the Chairman, DIU and Professor Dr.  Mizanur Rahmah, Dean, Faculty of Business & Economics and Mr. Masum Iqbal, Head BBA, Syed Mizanur Rahman Raju, Coordinator, Career Development Center (CDC) of Daffodil International University was also present.