National workshop on “Agro-Industrial Research and Development Issues of Bangladesh: Bridging Public and Private Initiatives” held at Daffodil International University

Campus Event
National Dec 27, 2016 Hit: 3


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Prof. Abdul Mannan, Chairman, University Grants Commission of Bangladesh (UGC) addressing as the chief guest at the National workshop on “Agro-Industrial Research and Development Issues of Bangladesh: Bridging Public and Private Initiatives”


Innovation Hub of Daffodil International University and ACI Ltd. jointly organized National workshop on “Agro-Industrial Research and Development Issues of Bangladesh: Bridging Public and Private Initiatives” today on December 26, 2016 at Banquet Hall of Daffodil International University, Prof. Abdul Mannan, Chairman, University Grants Commission of Bangladesh (UGC) was present as the Chief Guest at the program. Prof. M. Ali Akbar, Vice Chancellor, Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU), Mr. Anis-Ud-Dowla, Chairman ACI Ltd. were present as special guests at the program. Professor Dr. Yousuf M Islam, Vice Chancellor, Daffodil International University presided over the program.
The function was also addressed among others by, Mr. Syed Mizanur Rahman Raju, Director, Student Affairs, Mr. Golam Monowar Kamal, Director Innovation Hub of Daffodil International University, Dr. F.H Ansary, Executive Director (Agreebusiness), Mr. A F M Fokhrul Islam Munshi, President, BAPA and Professor Dr. M A Sattar Mondal, Chairman, Technical Division of ACI Ltd.



Vice Chancellor of Daffodil International University Prof. Dr. Yousuf M Islam handing over a memento of Daffodil International University to Prof. Abdul Mannan, Chairman, University Grants Commission of Bangladesh (UGC)

Addressing as the chief guest UGC Chairman Professor Abdul Mannan, said, still now our economy is mainly dependent on agriculture, so there is no alternate of modernizing and time befitting the agriculture sector. For this research works on agriculture will have to be increased as well as entrepreneurs, business community and alumni should come forward in this regard. When the business community will come forward then industry –agriculture linkage will be established. Referring the examples of Chine, Vietnam and Mongolia Professor Abdul Mannan also said, Bangladesh has achieved self sufficiency in food and this was possible only for agricultural revolution. And this revolution has come into success due to contribution of Agri-researchers and technology experts. If we want to a middle income country we will have to keep up the speed of agricultural revolution in coming days and for this agricultural research fund should be increased in university level, he added.

While addressing as Special Guest Mr. Anis-Ud-Dowla, Chairman ACI Ltd. said, to change the management system of Bangladesh agriculture, researchers, Scientists and entrepreneurs will have to work all together. That means, scientists and researchers will develop news technologies and business community and entrepreneurs will reach those to the door steps of the farmers and for this public and private organizations needs to work jointly. This type of National workshop will held to find out the problems prevailing in agricultural sectors, he added.
While addressing, Vice Chancellor of Bangladesh Agricultural University said, Bangladesh Agricultural University has been playing a vital role in development of agricultural sectors and the university is working to make the agricultural sector technology friendly and at this our agricultural system has modernized which reflected on our economy. He said, like Daffodil International University, other universities should come forward and stress more on Agro –industrial research innovation.

At the presidential address Vice Chancellor of Daffodil International University Prof. Dr. Yousuf M Islam said, the education system in tertiary level in our country is mainly theoretical based. Practical class opportunity is not sufficient. If the industrial organizations come forward to mitigate this problem, the students would get easy opportunity to gain practical knowledge beside theoretical knowledge.