Mr. Mohammad Nuruzzaman, Chief Executive Officer, Daffodil Group speaking at the Press Conference on Mom-Preneur Initiative held today at National Press Club jointly organized by Daffodil International School and Bangladesh Skill Development Institute.
For the first time in the country, Mom-preneur, a special initiative to empower the kids Mom is going to start from March 10, 2019 which is first ever of its kinds in Bangladesh. Daffodil International University and Daffodil International School have jointly taken this initiative while Bangladesh Skill Development Institute will implement this initiative.
Mr. Mustafa Jabbar, Minister, Post, Telecommunication and Information Technology, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh will inaugurate the initiative through Training Event on March 10, 2019. Dr. Md. Sabur Khan, Chairman, Daffodil Family will preside over the program. All these were informed in A Press Conference held today at National Press Club ( Johur Hissain Chowdhury Auditorium) held today on 17 February 2019. Mr. Mohammad Nuruzzaman, CEO of Daffodil Family readout the press note and highlighted details of the event among the journalists at the Press Conference. Dr. Md. Mahamudul Hasan, Principal, Daffodil International School, Mr. Km Hasan Ripon, Adviser, Bangladesh Skill Development Institute, Md. Anowar Habib Kazal, Senior Assistant Director (Public Relations)and MS. Amena Hasan Ana, Senior Assistant Director of Daffodil International University also spoke at the Press Conference,
It was informed in the press Conference that this specialized program has been planned to empower Women and helping them to become Entrepreneur. It is going to be the first ever training initiative of its kind which will help the Mother to explore their skills and time in a productive way so that the can contribute in family and national economy. In the 15 days intensive training session, a mother will be trained in different skills, for an example, Basic Computing, Photoshop Illustrator, Graphics Design, Basic Knowledge on f-Commerce & e-Commerce, Soft Skills, Basic Knowledge on Internet Security and so on. After the training session, the participant will get free consultancy for implementing any ideas they might have.
The Press Conference said that while travelling in Dhaka City, we can see lots of Moms are waiting outside the schools for their children and waste their valuable time outside without doing nothing. Many of them come from a long distance so, they usually do not go back home considering the huge traffic jam. Many of them have good knowledge and Education but due to lack of other skills or time they cannot explore the potential. Research found that, this part of the community have the interest to do something, but for the lack of guidance, time management and skills they do not explore their potentials. Mom-Preneur initiative has been taken considering this demand.