Mainstreaming CSR

Campus Event
National Nov 10, 2012 Hit: 5

International Seminar on

"Mainstreaming CSR towards climate sustainability: imperatives for South Asia"

held at Daffodil International University




Speakers at the international seminar in Dhaka today urged business to come forward in developing sustainable environment.

They made the observation in a day long seminar "Mainstreaming CSR towards climate sustainability: imperatives for South Asia" held at Daffodil International University (DIU) auditorium.

The seminar sponsored by Daffodil International University and it was organized by Nature Alliance and supported by Global Sustainable Solution, Reed Consulting (BD) Ltd., Biz Care and Responsible Business Initiatives.


Prof. Dr. M. Lutfar Rahman, Vice Chancellor, Daffodil International University was present in the seminar as Chief Guest.  Internationally acclaimed writer Uchita De Zoysa from Sri Lanka, Vice President- Communication & Media Relations for ROBI- Mr. Mohiuddin Babar, Dr. Faiz Shah Head- Department of Management- Asian Institute of Technology, Ambreen Wahid Executive Director- Responsible Business Initiative, Rondy Reed- Managing Director – Reed Consulting Bangladesh Ltd. CSR Managers of different company and students of different department of DIU were also presented in the seminar.


In the seminar Vice Chancellor Prof. Dr. M. Lutfar Rahman said- “Global warming is very harmful phenomenon for us, our 17 percent of land will be go in the bally of the water, so this is the time to take some technical initiatives for the solution of this problem.”


Uchita De Zoysa said- “CSR is a new strategy to make business responsible towards their impact on the environment and society.”


In the key note paper Mr. Mohiuddin Babar Said- “Business should be pro- active in influencing people to adapt to climate change impact.” He also said-“the director of CSR should changed from traditional course heath and education to developing adaptability of the people” He further said- “as part of CSR business could extant soar power usage and heap in research and development of climate resilient crops.”


Dr. Faiz Shah - from Asian Institute of Technology in Bangkok said-“there has to be a bigger role of business in dealing with the climate change impact.”

In the seminar a Documentary shown made on our sunder baan by Mr. Mohiuddin Babar.