Law Faculty Mr. Muhammad Omar Faruque and Mr. Sk.Md. Habibullah presented paper at the Amity International Conference on Legal Dimensions of the Environment

Campus Event
National Nov 01, 2017 Hit: 4


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Mr. Muhammad Omar Faruque and Mr. Sk.Md. Habibullah, lecturers of Law Department of Daffodil International University presenting their paper at the Amity International Conference on Legal Dimensions of the Environment,held in India. 


Mr. Muhammad Omar Faruque along with Sk.Md. Habibullah,both are lecturers of Law Department of Daffodil International University have presented their paper on 'Protection of environment through the SPS measures under WTO: Dilemmas and Challenges' in the Amity International Conference on Legal Dimensions of the Environment, held at Amity Law School, Amity University Gurgaon, Haryana, India on 27th-28th October representing Daffodil International University.

The honorable Chief Minister of Haryana, Shri Monohar Lal Khattar was the chief guest in the inaugural ceremony and Mr. Justice Swatanter Kumar,Chairman, National Green Tribunal was present as the chief guest in the valedictory ceremony of the conference. They presented their paper in a session titled 'Access to Environment Justice: Issues and Challenges' where the eminent activist Padma Shri Avdhash Kausal and Shri N. D. Pancholi were the panelists. The paper was appreciated and discussed by the discussants especially by Prof. C. K. Varshney, professor emeritus and chair professor of Jawaharalal Nehru University.