Professor Dr. A.K.M. FazlulHaque, Director, IQAC, DIU submits the Sub-Project Completion Report to Professor Dr. Sanjoy Kumar Adhikary, Head, Quality Assurance Unit (QAU), University Grants Commission of Bangladesh while Professor Dr. Mesbahuddin Ahmed, Former Head, QAU, UGC of Bangladesh was present
Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of Daffodil International Universityhas submitted the Sub-Project Completion Report (PCR), today on 14 August, 2018 to Professor Dr. Sanjoy Kumar Adhikary, Head, Quality Assurance Unit (QAU), University Grants Commission of Bangladesh. It is worthwhile to mention that DIU has successfully completed the sub-project, ‘Establishment of IQAC at Daffodil International University (DIU)’ within the completion deadline, 30 June, 2018. This sub-project was started on 1 July, 2015.During the project period, 12 departments, under this holistic initiative have successfully completed the Self-Assessment (SA) process activities and formulated the implementation plan on post self-assessment improvement plan. Those departments are at implementation phases now and IQAC, DIU (as an integral part of DIU) conducts the monitoring and evaluation mechanism, properly.
Professor Dr. A.K.M. FazlulHaque, Director, IQAC, DIU submitted the Sub-Project Completion Report to Professor Dr. Sanjoy Kumar Adhikary, Head, Quality Assurance Unit (QAU), University Grants Commission of Bangladesh while Professor Dr. Mesbahuddin Ahmed, Former Head, QAU, UGC of Bangladesh was present. Besides, Dr. Sk. Abdul Kader Arafin, Additional Director, IQAC, DIU; Mr. Nafees Imtiaz Islam, Senior Assistant Director and Mr. Kamanashis Kundu, Accounts Officer, IQAC, DIU were also present, while submitting the document.
Professor Dr. Sanjoy Kumar Adhikary, Head, QAU,UGC of Bangladesh, praises the overall activities of IQAC of Daffodil International University, for completing the sub-project, and emphasizes the continuation of IQAC, DIU inimplementing the post self-assessment improvement plan by concerned SA Departments, which plays the vital role in ensuring quality education in higher education institute..