IQAC-DIU Organized on-site Training Programme onOutcome-Based Education for Accreditation

Campus Event
National May 17, 2018 Hit: 6


Chief Guest Prof. Dr. S.M. Mahbub-Ul-HaqueMajumder, Pro-VC-DIU is seen presenting DIU memento to the Key Facilitator of the Training Professor Anisul Haque, Ph.D, Member, BAETE

Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of Daffodil International University (DIU) in cooperation with the Board of Accreditation for Engineering and Technical Education (BAETE), Bangladesh organized a day-long on-site Training Programme on “Outcome-Based Education for Accreditation” on 10 May, 2018 at the Banquet hall of the University. Professor Dr. S.M. Mahbub-Ul-HaqueMajumder, Pro-Vice Chancellor, Daffodil International University graced the inaugural session of the training programme as Chief Guest while Professor Dr. A. K. M. FazlulHaque, Director-IQAC & Associate Dean-Faculty of Engineering of Daffodil International University chaired the session. Dr. Sk. Abdul Kader Arafin anchored the programme.


Key Facilitator is seen conducting the training programme

Director-IQAC, DIU expressed his gratitude to the participants on behalf of the University for their participation in the onsite training programme. He also introduced the key facilitator of the training programme Professor AnisulHaque, Ph.D, Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, East West University and Member, BAETE, Bangladesh.The Chief Guest, in his inaugural speech, praised the joint initiative of IQAC-DIU and BAETE for arranging such a timely and effective training programme at DIU premises. He expressed his hope that the participating faculty members of concerned Departments would learn a lot from this type of programme which would also facilitate in getting IEB accreditation for their Departments. He also cordially requested the key facilitator to conduct the training in such a manner so that each participant can conceptualize the facts regarding outcome-based education and its impact on getting accreditation.
After the inaugural session, the key facilitator conducted the session on “Curriculum Design Based on Outcome”. In that session, he highlighted the issues like: Articulation of Vision/Mission/PEO, Program Outcomes (POs), CO writing, Gap Analysis, CO and course content revision, Revision of structure of courses, Key points, Course Outcomes (CO) to Program Outcomes (PO) mapping. After the lunch break, the key facilitator conducted another session on “Teaching and Assessment Based on Outcomes” where he emphasized on: Outcomes Driven Learning Activities, Final Year Design Project, Assessment of Outcomes Achievement, Rubrics for Assessment, Constructive Alignment, Continual Quality Improvement (CQI) and Bloom's Taxonomy of the Cognitive Domain etc.

Guests and Participants of the training programme

 At the end of the programme Professor Dr. A. K. M. Fazlul Haque, Director-IQAC, DIU thanked the key facilitator for conducting an effective and in-depth training on the subject matter and urged the faculty members of concerned Departments to follow the lesson learnt from the training for continual quality improvement and facilitate respective Departments to become eligible to get national and international accreditation and provide standard quality of education accordingly. About fifty five faculty members of relevant engineering Departments took part in the day-long training programme.