International Workshop on "Need for Changes in the Course Curricula of Business Schools: Positioning & Competency of Business Schools in BIMSTEC Region" ends at Daffodil International University

Campus Event
National Jun 06, 2016 Hit: 3




Commander Prof. Bhushan Dewan, Former Vice President, Tata Consultancy Services, India addressing as the chief guest at the closing ceremony of 2 day International Workshop on "Need for Changes in the Course Curricula of Business Schools: Positioning & Competency of Business Schools in BIMSTEC Region" held at Daffodil International University.


“Bangladesh is the heart of the Asia” rationally said by the Commander Prof. Bhushan Dewan, Former Vice President, Tata Consultancy Services, India while he was appreciating the pioneering initiative of Daffodil International University in IT sector to make the whole MIS and learning & teaching system digital. He also mentioned at the closing ceremony of International workshop on Need for Change in the Course Curricula of Business Schools: Positioning and Competency of Business School in BIMSTEC Region jointly organized by Institutional Quality Assurance Cell and Department of Business Administration, Daffodil International Universitythat bold dream is required to change.

“Whatsapp, Viber, Line, Facebook, Moodle, Learning Feedback System, Google classroom all sorts of social interaction media need to be included in curriculum if we really want to produce quality and competent graduates for 21st century” stated by Mr. Md. Sabur Khan, Chairman, Board of Trustees, DIU while talking about Disruptive Innovation in Higher Education in Daffodil International University: Users’ perspectives. He also mentioned the challenges he faced to implement online platform for DIU and now everyone of DIU enjoys the pride of leading its online forum as one of the top forums in the world. He said many universities of the developing countries are struggling to digitalize their university but we made our DIU digital 10 years earlier.

Prof. Dr. Bholanath Dutta, Prof. Rafiqul Islam and Prof. Dr. James Gomez were Guest of Honor of the closing session.

Prof. Rafiqul Islam, Dean, FBE, DIU depicted that we need to find out the ways we do to achieve objectives and rectify through asking questions that what we need to do while Prof. Dr. Bholanath Dutta, President and Convener of MTC Global mentioned that quality is nothing but love, passion and commitment towards job we are doing. He also emphasized on implementation of Internet of Things (IoT) and said “If you are employable then you are safe but if your employed you may get fired”. “Internationalization is not a destination, it’s a process” told by Prof. Dr. James Gomez, Bangkok University.

Special guest Professor Dr. Khondoker Md. Nasiruddin, Vice Chancellor, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Science and Technology University said that jobs available today will not be present after 15 years, so we need to prepare our graduates in such a way where they will fit themselves in this dynamic century. He also praised the contribution of World Bank in developing quality of educational institutions, forming digital library and more.

Dr. Md. Mokhlesur Rahman, Senior, Operations Officer, World Bank was also present during the closing session as Special Guest who highlighted the contribution of World Bank towards enhancing and ensuring quality in higher education system of Bangladesh.

Prof. Dr. Yousuf M. Islam, Vice Chancellor, DIU expressed gratitude to the Chief Organizers of the program Prof. Dr. Muhamamad Mahboob Ali, Director, IQAC, DIU and Mr. Md. Masum Iqbal, Head Dept. of Business Administration, DIU and the distinguished guests/facilitator of the workshop.

The closing session was chaired by Prof. Dr. Muhamamad Mahboob Ali, Director, IQAC, DIU who underscored the need for quality assurance in higher education in the BIMSTEC region.

Earlier, the second day started with Interactive teaching and Learning sessions. Commander Prof. Bhushan Dewan, Former Vice President, Tata Consultancy Services, India delivered a presentation on "Entrepreneurship Development & Incubation in B-School Curriculum in BIMSTEC Region” in the session while Professor Shibli Rubayat Ul Islam, Dean, Faculty of Business Studies, University of Dhaka chaired the session. Later on, presentation on Teaching English to business students: The syllabus, materials, methods, and assessments was conducted by Dr. M. Maniruzzaman, Professor, Department of English, Jahangirnagar University. Besides, Dr. Shrishti Rrajhesh Gangalay, Assistant Professor, MITACSC Alandi, Pune, India; Dr. Sampa Kundu, Researcher at the Southeast Asia and Oceania Center, Institute for Defense Studies and Analyses, New Delhi, India and Voravate Chonlasin, Senior Program Specialist and is the Head of Public Sector Capacity Development Program of AIT Extension, Thailand participated through Video Conferencing at different sessions in the second day of the workshop.

Panel discussants were Mr. Hamidul Haque Khan, Treasurer, DIU; AKM Shamim, Managing Director, The Farmers Bank; Dr. Syed Alamgir, Managing Director, ACI Salt; Khondoker Ibhrahim Khaled, Former Deputy Governor, Bangladesh Bank; Kayes Shami, Former Managing Director, Probashi Kallayn Bank; Sodesy Roy, Executive Editor, Daily Janakanthya; Dr.Mushfiq Mannan Chowdhury, University of Dhaka. Prof. Dr. Md. Fokhray Hossain, Additional Director, IQAC, DIU also spoke at different sessions. The closing session was followed by cultural program under supervision of Ms. Moonmon Huq, Senior Lecturer, Department of Nutrition and Food Engineering, DIU.