International Day of Remembrance of the victims of Slavery and the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade 2012 observed at DIU

Campus Event
National Nov 10, 2012 Hit: 6

International Day of Remembrance of the victims of Slavery

and the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade 2012 observed

at Daffodil International University


International Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Slavery and the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade 2012 observed at Daffodil International University today on March 28, 2012. The theme of this year’s observance, “ Honouring the heroes, resisters and survivors” recognizes those who stood up against slavery when the trade was at its height and those who stand up now to protect against its manifestations today. As a reminder for future generations of the inhumane suffering endured by the victims over a 400 year period and as a tribute to the spirited resistance to the system, the United Nations has declared the day as International Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Slavery and the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade among it member country’s from 2007.


To mark the day Daffodil International University in collaboration with United Nations Information Center, Dhaka chalked out elaborate program including discussion meeting, Poetry recitation, Songs and Drama. Prof. Dr.M. Lutfar Rahman, Vice Chancellor, Daffodil International University was present on the occasion as the chief guest. Presided over by Kazi Ali Reza, Officer In-Charge, UNIC, Dhaka, the function was also addressed by Country’s renowned Poet Asad Choudhury, Mohadev Shaha, Shihab Sarkar and Kazi Rosey, Professor Rafiqul Islam, Dean, Faculty of Business and Economics, DIU. Coducted by Syed Mizanur Rahman, Coordinator, Career Development Center, the message of UN Secretary General was read out by Mr. Moniruzzaman, Reference Officer UNIC, Dhaka. Besides country’s renowned poets Mr. Mahabub Parvez, Associate Professor, EBE and former student Rysa Nusrat Neera recited poem on the occasion.

Addressing as the chief guest Professor Dr. M. Lutfar Rahman said, the transatlantic slave trade was a tragedy because of slavery’s fundamental barbarism and immense scope and because of its organized systematic nature. We must remain firmly committed to countering such hateful acts and trends. He urged the students to reaffirm their commitment to combating racism and building societies based on justice, equality and solidarity.

Later the students performed songs, poetry recitation and staged a drama on equality.