Grand Lecture on Planning Research for Thesis

Campus Event
National Apr 17, 2018 Hit: 6


Prof. Dr. Harun-Ar-Rashid, Professor and Head of the Department of Public Health delivering his lecture on Planning Research for thesis

Department of Public Health has organized a Grand Lecture on Planning Research for Thesis for the Thesis Part Master of Public Health (MPH) students on 13 April 2018, Friday in the 52- Auditorium of Daffodil Tower. Prof. Dr. Harun-Ar-Rashid, Professor and Head of the Department of Public Health was the Resource Person for this endeavor. Total 45 MPH students participated in the program. It is noteworthy that this is the first time the Department has organized such type of activity. The objective of the program was to facilitate research leading to MPH degree. It is important to note that Thesis is one of the most important requirements for the MPH degree which bears 10 credits. Prof. Rashid in his presentation mentioned the steps required for initiating, planning and implementing a research study. He discussed criteria for formulation of a good research topic for a Thesis. A Form for development of research proposal developed by the Department was distributed among the participants. Prof. Rashid mentioned various nuances of topic selection, research implementation, interaction with the Thesis Guide, writing and defense of a Thesis.

Prof. Rashid has talked about ethical issues involved in health research with human participation. He emphasized on scientific and ethical approval of a research proposal before its implementation and advised the students to apply for approval by the Research Ethics Committee of the Faculty of Allied Health Sciences of the University. To facilitate the procedure of independent review and approval of research proposal by the mentioned Research Ethics Committee an Application Form and Check list for the Committee developed by the Department were distributed among the MPH students.  Prof. Rashid prescribed a plan to ensure timely completion of the research study and writing & defense of the Thesis. He strongly advised the participants to strongly adhere to the plan which will guarantee timely completion of the MPH degree program. Dr. Md. Shahjahan, Associate Professor and few other faculty members of the Department of Public Health were present in the program.