Global Money Week 2018 begins at Daffodil International University

Campus Event
National Mar 13, 2018 Hit: 6


Adviser of Bangladesh Bank Mr. S K Sur addressing as the chief guest at the inaugural ceremony of Global Money Week-2018 began today jointly organized by Daffodil International University and Bangladesh Skill Development Institute in collaboration with Bangladesh Bank and First Security Islam Bank Ltd.


Weeklong celebration events of Global Money Week 2018 have been formally inaugurated today on 12th March at 71 Milonayoton of Daffodil International University with a grand gathering of Bankers, Entrepreneurs, and Leaders. Based on the theme of “Money Matter, Matter” like other 137 countries of the World, Global Money Week is going to be observed from march 12-18 IN Bangladesh The weeklong celebration has been designed with different events and will be led by Daffodil International University and Bangladesh Skill Development Institute where the Chief Patron of the event is Bangladesh Bank and sponsored by First Security Islami Bank and Daffodil Computers Ltd.
The partners of the events are-British Council, EMK Center, Bangladesh Venture Capital, Nagorik TV, Radio Foorti, BUILD Bangladesh Foundation, SIYB Bangladesh and Radio Foorti and Nagorik TV extended their cooperation.
The Adviser of Bangladesh Bank Mr. S K Sur has formally inaugurated the event as the chief guest where, Mr. Syed Waseque Md Ali, the Managing Director of FSIBL, the CEO of EMK Center Mr. M K Aaref, the Director Exam at British Council Mr. Sebastian Pearce, Mr. Abdun Nur Tushar-the prominent media personality, renowned debater and CEO of Nagorik TV and Mr. Mohammad Nuruzzaman were present as special guests. Dr. Md. Sabur Khan-Chairman Daffodil Family and High Commissioner at WBAF presided over the inauguration ceremony.

Guests (from Left) Mr. Sebastian Pearce,Director Exam at British Council,  Mr. Syed Waseque Md Ali, the Managing Director of FSIBL, Adviser of Bangladesh Bank Mr. S K Sur, Dr. Md. Sabur Khan-Chairman Daffodil Family and High Commissioner at WBAF, Mr. M K Aaref, CEO of EMK Center and Mr. Abdun Nur Tushar-the prominent media personality, renowned debater and CEO of Nagorik TV at the inaugural ceremony of Global Money Week 2018.

The celebration program covers, Talk session, Master Class, Panel Discussion, Money Museum Visit, Selfie Challenge, essay writing competition and so on.
Addressing as chief guest Mr. S K Sur said, the main purpose of celebration of Global Money Week is to create awareness about banking system and money saving matters among the young generation from their early age. Daffodil International University is arranging this program successfully for the last few years, he added.
He also said that to reduce the poverty and inequality problem of Bangladesh we have to increase saving mentality. Bangladesh Bank and other financial institutes are doing good job regarding this issue. School Banking and mobile banking has been made revolution in Bangladesh. Recently we have 14 lacs and 54 thousand school banking account. It’s really wondrous! Many other countries followed our mobile banking system, he added.
Mr. S K Sur also said, Global Money Week is a movement. We have to include other universities, NGO, financial organization to enhance mobility of this movement. If we work collectively, success will come very soon.

Dr. Md. Sabur Khan-Chairman Daffodil Family and High Commissioner at WBAF conducting a Mid Morning Session on " Money Matters Matter" at the beginning of  Global Money Week 2018 at Daffodil International University.
Dr. Md. Sabur Khan said in his presidential speech that knowledge is the source of earning money. So you have to invest your knowledge for earning money. He gave example of Uber and said, Uber has no taxi of his own but this company is the largest transport company of the world.
He said to the students, world is changing rapidly. Nowadays world economic system has gone under the system of digital currency. He urged the students to make their career plan as per the changes of world. We learn a lot everyday from our daily life. We have to include that lesson into our career plan, he added.
Addressing as special guest Mr. Syed Waseque Md Ali said, economy of Bangladesh has reached this condition by the contribution of young generation. Our young people are so much potential. They are changing banking sector. He gave example of school banking and said, the success of school banking is unprecedented. If banks are doing their job with organized way, success will come sharply, he added.
Abdur Nur Tushar said, the wealth of world like gold, silver, iron may destroyed sometimes but knowledge never destroyed. So you should make yourself as a wealth by using your knowledge. If you can make yourself as wealth, you have never looked upon to others wealth. He also said that all money come through the knowledge. So if you flourish your innovative idea due to your knowledge, money will come to your pocket automatically. Student should use his knowledge, added Abdur ur Tushar.