Founder Vice Chancellor and Professor Emeritus Dr. Aminul Islam elected President of Bangladesh Academy of Sciences (BAS)

Campus Event
National May 28, 2016 Hit: 3


pic Aminul Islam

Emeritus Professor Dr. Aminul Islam,DIU

Founder Vice Chancellor and Professor Emeritus of Daffodil International University Dr. Aminul Islam was elected as the President of the Bangladesh Academy of Sciences (BAS) council for the term 2016-2018 among the distinguished scientists and technologists of the country.
Bangladesh Academy of Sciences (BAS), the premier scientific body of the country came into being as a non-political, non-governmental organization made up of Fellows elected from among the distinguished scientists and technologists of the country. Dr. M. Qudrat-i- Khoda was the first President of the Academy. The number of fellows at present including the Foundation Fellows is 81.
The administration, direction and management of the affairs of the Academy are entrusted to a Council. The election of the Council was held on May 21, 2016. The other members of the committee are Professor Dr. Quazi Abdul Fattah and Professor Dr. Naiyyum Choudhury - Vice Presidents, Professor Dr. Z N Tahmida Begum - Treasurer, Professor Dr. Mesbahuddin Ahmed- Secretary, Professor Dr. Haseena Khan- Associate Secretary, Professor Dr. KM Sultanul Aziz - Immediate Past Secretary (Ex-officio) and six members are: Professor Emeritus Dr. M Shamsher Ali, National Emeritus Scientist Dr. Kazi M Badruddoza, Professor Dr. Zahurul Karim, Professor Dr. Hajera Mahtab, Professor Dr. Liaquat Ali and Professor Dr. Mohammad Ali Asgar.
Professor Emeritus Aminul Islam expresses sincere thanks and gratitude to the Fellows and seeks their co operation.