Professor Dr. S.M. Mahbub-Ul-Haque Majumder, Pro Vice Chancellor and the Chairperson of the IQAC committee of Daffodil International University presides over the Executive Committee Meeting of the University.
On 13 July, 2019, Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of Daffodil International University arranged the Executive Committee (of IQAC) meeting at the Conference Room of DT-4 of the University. Executive Committee of IQAC, DIU works for the institutional oversight of the IQAC and oversee the activities of IQAC and implementation of the quality assurance framework of the university. IQAC, DIU has invited all the members of the EC.
The meeting was presided over by the Pro Vice Chancellor, DIU, Professor Dr. S.M. Mahbub-Ul-Haque Majumder, and the Chairperson of the committee. In his introductory speech, he welcomed all those members and extended gratitude for their participation at the meeting. With the permission of the Chair of the meeting, Professor Dr. A K M Fazlul Haque, Director, IQAC, DIU has presented overall recent activities and future initiatives of IQAC through a power point presentation. At his presentation, different areas were covered like: Class Monitoring Mechanism; Course diary; Briefing on 9 New SA Departments; Outcome of several Workshops; Orientation of SA Process Flow among 9 new SACs of IQAC of DIU; Exclusive report on IQAC visit at 12 SA Departments; In QAC; IQAC Annual Budget (Proposed) for the Financial Year 2019-2020 and finally shared the future Initiatives (Class feedback; Book compilation; policy implementation; quality research, training and development of teaching learning process). After his presentation, the committee discussed and addressed various related issues of IQAC activities for its smooth functioning to attain the objectives of assuring quality education at DIU as IQAC has been working on nine basic Quality Assurance (QA) areas. The committee has expressed their satisfaction towards the ongoing tasks, carried out by IQAC, DIU and advised in some areas, to facilitate the working process and for its better functioning.