"English Speaking Platform" (ESP) Starts Its Journey in the Department of English

Campus Event
National Dec 05, 2018 Hit: 5


Pro Vice-Chancellor of DIU Prof. Dr. S.M. Mahbub Ul Haque Majumder along with other distinguished guests at the inaugural ceremony of "English Speaking Platform" (ESP) for the students of English Department.

With the aim of creating a comfortable environment for students to speak English, Department of English has started "English Speaking Platform" (ESP). It is a platform where students will get the opportunity to practice real life English in a comfortable and enjoyable environment beyond their regular classes. There will be attractive and innovative sessions in every week for students to practice and speak English. The grand inauguration  program of ESP was held on 2 December 2018 at the English Department premise at 2.30 pm. Pro Vice-Chancellor of DIU Prof. Dr. S.M. Mahbub Ul Haque Majumder inaugurated the event as the Chief Guest. Prof. Dr. Golam Mowla Choudhury, Controller of Examination, was also present in the occasion along with the Dean and Associate Dean of FHSS. Head of the Department of English Mr. Md. Rakibul Hasan Khan moderated the session and explained to the audience the background and objectives of this initiative. Mr. Md. Mustafizur Rahman, Assistant Professor of English and Convener of ESP, briefed the audience the various activities the students will perform for improving their speaking skills. The Chief Guest of the occasion and other guests praised the initiative very highly and expressed their optimism that this initiative would make a significant contribution to the development of speaking skills of the students. A good number of students and teachers of the Department of English were present in the occasion.