English Department organized second Workshop on “Teaching English Literature at the Tertiary Level: Best Practices in Bangladesh” organized by the Department of English in collaboration with IQAC

Campus Event
National Mar 18, 2018 Hit: 6

 Mr. Shamsad Mortuza, PhD, Professor of English, University of Dhaka conducting the workshop as the facilitator

The second workshop titled“Teaching English Literature at The Tertiary Level: Best Practices in Bangladesh” under IQAC-ENGLISH Quantity Enhancement series was held successfully at the Digital Classroom of Daffodil Tower on 14 March, 2018. Mr. Shamsad Mortuza, PhD, Professor of English, University of Dhaka and University of Liberal Arts, Bangladesh conducted the workshop as the facilitator.

After the introduction of the resource person by Ariful Islam Laskar, member, SA Committee, IQAC, Prof. A.M.M. Hamidur Rahman, Dean, FHSS presented the welcome speech. He honored Dr. Shamsad Mortuza with the crest and a student of English Department handed over the flower bouquet.
In his presentation “Teaching Poetry: Best Practices” Dr. Mortuza proposed an effective classroom design with innovative warm-up activities, pre-assignment, interaction, visual aids with the help of technologies, providing questions for reflections. He suggested wrapping up the class by extracting answers of those questions from the students. He also emphasized on enhancing the creative faculty of the students instead of spoon feeding practice.


Prof. A.M.M. Hamidur Rahman, Dean, FHSS of DIU  and Mr. Shamsad Mortuza, PhD, Professor of English, University of Dhakaalong with the participants of the workshop 

A good number of faculty members and students of the English department of DIU as well as the faculties from other universities were illuminated with the empirical knowledge delivered by the resource person. The workshop stirred up a lively discussion and knowledge sharing among the participants. Assistant Professor and Head of the Department of English, Mr. Md. Rakibul Hasan Khan closed the session with his vote of thanks. All the guests and participants were provided with light refreshment after the session.