Dr. Rausan Zamir joined 7th International onference on Medical, Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences (ICMBPS'2015)

Campus Event
National Jul 01, 2015 Hit: 4



Dr. Md. Rausan Zamir, Assistant Professor, Department of Natural Sciences of Daffodil International University at the  7th International Conference on Medical Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences (ICMBPS'2015) held at PSRC at Pattaya in Thiland.


Dr. Md. Rausan Zamir, Assistant Professor, Department of Natural Sciences of Daffodil International University joined 7th International Conference on Medical Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences (ICMBPS'2015) and presented the Scientific Works on “Assessment of Heavy Metal Content in Antidiabetic Herbal Medicines available in Bangladesh”. A research paper/ article on “Determination of Antifungal and Antibacterial Activities of Sperata Aor” was also published in the conference. The Planetary Scientific Research Center (PSRC) at Pattaya in Thiland organized the conference from June 17-18, 2015.
The conference was managed and sponsored by Planetary Scientific Research Centre and assisted by University of Johannesburg and SRM University. The conference is aimed at discussing the wide range of problems encountered in present and future high technologies among the research fraternity.
PSRC is striving hard to compile the research efforts of scientists, researchers and academicians across the b broad spectrum of Science, Engineering, Social Sciences, Management, Environment, Pharmaceutical and Medical Sciences.