Dr. Md. Bellal Hossain of NFE department attended the workshop on “ Scaling up Rice Fortification in Asia -2014

Campus Event
National Sep 24, 2014 Hit: 5

Dr.Md. Bellal Hossain, Associate Professor of Nutrition and Food Engineering department  of Daffodil International University  attended the workshop on “ Scaling up Rice Fortification in Asia -2014 as Technical delegate of Bangladesh for World Food Program, United Nations held during 15th September 2014 to 19th September 2014 at Millennium Hilton Hotel, Bangkok ,Thailand.


Bangladesh Delegation at the Workshop of WFP- UN

In this workshop, different issues were analyzed among seventeen countries with UN Mission expert team . A 11 member committee from Bangladesh was attend in this workshop from Ministry of Commerce, Agriculture , Health , Children and women affairs, Food & Daffodil International university
Beside these, PATH,FFI, WFP, MI , UNICEF and GAIN representatives from south Asian region were exchange their expertise view to remove micro nutrient deficiency from Bangladesh.


Dr. Md. Bellal Hossain at Workshop discussion for UNICEF Funding

A decision on fund selection for pilot plan of vulnerable group in Bangladesh was targeted of Fortified Rice program.
The activities will be control by Ministry of Child and Women, Food, Health, IPH, WHO, UNICEF, WFP and academic institutes for first pilot period.

Second schedule for fortified Rice of National level will be started by Ministry of Food.
To continue the program, national technical team will be made including Academic and Government experts with the guidelines of UN authority.