DIU Vice Chancellor Prof. Yousuf M. Islam made presentation on “ICT in higher education” at International Conference on Digital Education

Campus Event
National Sep 07, 2015 Hit: 3


Prof. Dr. Yusuf Mahbubul Islam, Vice-Chancellor of Daffodil International University delivering his presentation on “ICT in higher education” at 1st International Conference on Digital Education (ICDE) held at Nabab Nawab Ali Chowdhury Senate Bhaban, University of Dhaka. Education Minister Mr. Nurul Islam Nahid MP and Bangladesh Bank Governor Dr. Atiar Rahman were present during the presentation

Professor Dr. Yusuf Mahbubul Islam, Vice-Chancellor of Daffodil International University (DIU) made a presentation on “ICT in higher education” at 1st International Conference on Digital Education (ICDE) held at Nabab Nawab Ali Chowdhury Senate Bhaban, University of Dhaka. Education Minister Nurul Islam Nahid was present at the conference as Chief Guest while Dr. Atiur Rahman, Governor of Bangladesh Bank was present as the Special Guest. His Excellency Mr. Masato Watanabe, Ambassador of Japan to Bangladesh was present as Guest of Honor. Professor Dr. A.A.M.S Arefin Siddique, Vice-Chancellor, University of Dhaka was inaugurated the conference.

The conference was jointly organized by BacBon Foundation & Centre on Budget and Policy, Department of Development Studies, University of Dhaka and sponsored by Daffodil International University. The conference was addressed by Professor Dr. Yonekura Seiichiro, Institution of Innovation Research, Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo, Japan and Mr. Toshiaki Yoshida, CEO, NetLearning Inc. Mr. Maheen Matin, Founder BacBon, Professor Dr. M. Abu Eusuf, Chairman, Department of Development Studies & Director, Centre on Budget and Policy, University of Dhaka and Adviser-e-Education-Bangladesh Mr. Mahboob Zaman, President Datasoft, Former President of BASIS.

Addressing the Chief Guest Mr. Nurul Islam Nahid, Honorable Minister, Ministry of Education, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh said ICT as a tool can contribute to improve and develop the quality of education by providing curricula support in different subject areas. We can easily imagine that how effective a classroom will be when a student will get the opportunity to consult the ‘Google Map’ in an interactive smart board while studying geography or can see the vascular system in the ‘YouTube’ clip in biology class!

He also said that Bangladesh government has also prepared “ICT in Education Master Plan”. More than 23, 000 schools all over the country have been provided with laptop and multimedia projectors and teachers of these schools have been trained to develop multimedia content for their students. IT based model school and madrasa are being established under Secondary Education Sector Development Project (SESDP). It based mobile van has been introduced for the schools located in the backward and remotest part of the country.