DIU Student’s Project Cognition.ai won Tk. 10,000,00 as Bangabandhu Innovation Grant

Campus Event
National Oct 19, 2019 Hit: 5


Commerce Minister Tipu Munshi, MP and State Minister of ICT Division Zunaid Ahmed Palak, MP  along with other distinguished guests handing over the grant money of Tk.10,000,00/= ( Ten lac)  to the winner of  Cognition.Ai –a project of student s of CSE Department of Daffodil International University at the Award giving ceremony of Digital Device and Innovation Expo  2019.

Cognition.Ai –a project of student s of CSE Department won the Bangabandhu Innovation Grant  of Innovation Design and Entrepreneurship Academy (IDEA) under Bangladesh Computer Council ( BCC) of ICT Division. The winning team members are Prapti Rahaman,  Farzana Yeasmin Jule and Gausul Azam, Rezowan Islam, Assistant Professor ( Adjunct Faculty) was the mentor of the project. The second phase of national level competition for the student title “Student to Start UP” based on the slogan “My Innovation, My Dream” was started in the country earlier.   
Commerce Minister Tipu Munshi,  MP along with State Minister of ICT Division Zunaid Ahmed Palak, MP  and other distinguished guests handed over the grant money Tk.10,000,00/= ( Ten lac)  at the Award giving ceremony of Digital Device and Innovation Expo  2019 held at Pan Pacific Sonar Gaon Hotel. Alhazz A K M Rahamat Ullah , MP, President, Parliamentary Standing Committee of Post Telecommunication and ICT, N M Ziaul Alam, Senior Secretary, ICT Division were present as the special guests while Dr. Zames H P Sunt, Secretary General of WITS was present as the guest of Honour.       
Cognition.Ai developed an app that would use image processing technology to detect any kind of skin diseases that would connect patient to the doctor or related Dermatologist through the same platform. It will be a great solution for people who are suffering with skin diseases. Through this digital system patient will get the good service in a short time.