DIU Officials attends at ISTQB General Assembly

Campus Event
National Nov 02, 2015 Hit: 3


Mr.Rashed Karim, Deputy Director & Head of Software of Daffodil International University & Senior Executive Member of Bangladesh Software Testing Board (BSTB) along with ISTQB President Gualtiero Bazzana at General Assembly Meeting of International Software Testing Qualification Board (ISTQB) from Bangladesh held in Shanghai, China organized by Chinese Software Testing Qualification Board (CSTQB).

Mr. Rashed Karim, Deputy Director & Head of Software & Senior Executive Member of Bangladesh Software Testing Board (BSTB) and Mr. Muhammad Rafiqul Alam, Sr. Assistant Director of Daffodil International University attended General Assembly Meeting of International Software Testing Qualification Board (ISTQB) from Bangladesh held in Shanghai, China held from 21-25 October 2015 organized by Chinese Software Testing Qualification Board (CSTQB). Bangladesh Software Testing Board (BSTB) is the board member of ISTQB and operating software testing qualifications activities in Bangladesh. Daffodil International University is an authorized training center of ISTQB in Bangladesh. Mr. Rashed Karim attended the General Assembly Meeting from Bangladesh board as a Voting member and discussed various issues related to bilateral cooperation’s for development of Bangladeshi Software industries.

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Mr. Rashed Karim, Deputy Director & Head of Software of Daffodil International University & Senior Executive Member of Bangladesh Software Testing Board (BSTB) and Mr. Mohammad Rafiqul Alam, Senior Assistant Director, DIU along with other participants at General Assembly Meeting of International Software Testing Qualification Board (ISTQB) from Bangladesh held in Shanghai, China organized by Chinese Software Testing Qualification Board (CSTQB).

ISTQB consists of 50 countries member board covering 100 countries all over the world. This is the highest authority of the software testing and qualifications certifications body in the world. To align with the world standard, BSTB and Daffodil International University are organizing training and online examination to enhance the software quality in Bangladesh.