Mr. Sheikh Mohammad Shafiul Islam
Sheikh Mohammad Shafiul Islam has achieved PhD in Mass Communication and Journalismunder the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Dhaka as per the approval of the Syndicate Meeting held on 31 October 2018.
His PhD thesis was on “Perception of Farmers on the Impact of Television Programme in Sustainable Agricultural Development of Bangladesh: A Case Study onHridoye Mati O Manush”. Dr. Md. Golam Rahman, former Chief Information Commissioner of Bangladesh and former Pro Vice Chancellor of DIU as well as Professor of the Department of Mass Communication and Journalism, University of Dhaka, supervised the thesis of Dr. Islam.
Dr. Islamis an Associate Professor & Head (in-charge) of Journalism and Mass Communication at Daffodil International University who possesses an inborn compassion for the socio-economic development of the farmers of Bangladesh through communication. He has designed and conducted more than 60 researches, training and advocacy projects in the areas of development, communication and journalism for international donor agencies and national development organizations. Some of his research reports have been published abroad.He has trained more than 5000 journalists, government officials, human resource managers, health professionals, civil society members, researchers and development workers in home and abroad. He has written and edited as many as ten books jointly. A number of his research articles has been published in the renowned national and international journals. He is a media personality who often takes part in TV talk shows, national and international seminars and conferences on journalism, media and communication.