DIU Faculty Sheikh Abdur Rahim presents research paper at Women's Entrepreneurship Conference at Bangkok

Campus Event
National May 22, 2017 Hit: 5



Mr. Sheikh Abdur Rahim along with other participants at the Women's Entrepreneurship Conference held at Bangkok in Thailand


Mr. Sheikh Abdur Rahim, Associate Professor and Head, Department of Real Estate, Daffodil International University presented his research paper entitled " Development of Women Entrepreneurs in Bangladesh: Opportunities and Challenges" at the Women's Entrepreneurship Conference held at Bangkok in Thailand. The conference was held at School of Entrepreneurship and Management, Bangkok University, Thailand during 3-5 April 2017. Bangkok University School of Entrepreneurship and Management and Entrepreneurship Centre, University of Cambridge, London, United Kingdom jointly organized the conference and the strategic partners of the conference were British Council, Newton Fund and GEM Bangkok.

Academicians, practitioners, policy makers and the successful women entrepreneurs from different countries of the world attended this conference. The purpose of the conference was to investigate female entrepreneurship in a variety of cultural and contextual settings. For this reason, emphasis was stressed on analyzing the strengths, challenges and business models of female entrepreneurs as well as strategies to promote and support women entrepreneurship.